Tuesday, 11 August 2009

cODe bLUe.. paRt 2


aku dah tgk abes dh crita "code blue" tue..
mmg besh sgt..
realiti khdpn seorg doktor d gmbr kan dlm drama nie...
mmg crita nie penuh dgn pergelutan emosi...
meleleh beb.. huk3.. sedey3..

dialog yg bg aku sgt best..

"sensei.. what is the famous doctor??"

"the answer to that.. probably only exists at the accident scenes"


"did u find the answer??"


"becoming a famous doctor is really difficult, isn't it??"

"i wonder.. is there an answer in the first place??.. yesterday we save 6 peoples.. but twice of that number, 12 peoples died.. there.. was nothing we could do.. and the peoples that we save.. we don't know if they can ever go back to normal.. human will eventually died one day.. all the doctor can do is to lengthen the amount of time that a person can live by just a tiny bit"

"exactly.. there maybe 10 minutes, one hour, one day or maybe one year.. but, that small amount of time, can sometimes change the very meaning of one's life.. and for that reasons.. we sharpen our skills.. that's definitely not wrong.. that's what i believe.. though, that doesn't mean that that's everything"

* hmm.. interesting kan..

p/s : kt hny mampu berusaha.. slbhnya, kt berserah kpd Allah s.w.t.. bgtue jg dgn kerjaya sbgai seorg doktor.. ^^



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